Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools...

Simply stated, I LOVE April Fool's Day. I love the {harmless} fun of it all. I have never been that great at thinking of jokes to play, but for some reason, today I was on fire! I just thought that I would share one of them, which was my favorite...
This is what Casey found underneath the windshield wiper on his truck when he came out of work today--

Little did he know, I was a couple hundred feet away in my car recording him finding it! It was so funny to watch his reaction and then to hear him explain what he was thinking later. In the video, you can see him looking all around his truck to see what he would even be ticketed for. He says that he was so ticked. And then, on the video, you see him take out the paper that was inside of it and he just shakes his head because he realized that I had got him yet again. He threw the "ticket" into his truck and went to get into his truck and that's when I drove up. He just kept shaking his head and we laughed and laughed. We both got a big kick out of it!
I didn't really know if he would think it was real because of the joke I had played on him early that morning, but I guess it was legitimate enough! It was made to look almost exactly like the parking tickets that the BYU parking enforcement gives out, so it was quite believeable!
Haha, I already have some great ideas for next year's jokes! Casey, you better watch out!


The Reedy's said...

I Love it !! I thought all day about how to get Tim but they were all pretty lame. But this would have been good.

Steven and Chelsea said...

I love it!! I should have done that to Steven...he hates parking tickets!